Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Hi, friends, it's Murphy.

Mama needs to give me my liver protecting treats one hour before a meal.  So I made sure to get her up at our usual time- 6:40 a.m.  She didn't seem too happy about that, something about it being the first day of summer break.  Anyway, after she fed me, I let her sleep in.

We went to see Dr. Kane today and I was a little nervous but there were nice people and other dogs there. We saw Gracie again. She has lymphoma and last time she was really nervous. She sat up on the chairs with her mom. This time she seemed much better. 
Dr. Kane said that my ear bump seems flattened out but I should take the chemo at least another month. He said after that, he can remove it if he needs to- he even said something about freezing it! Brrrr!
I was a good boy so Mama said we could go to Petsmart! YAY!!! I love that place!

I was so excited to go that I, uh, forgot to go. Outside, I mean. Mom was looking at cat food and well, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Oops, I pooped. Mom cleaned it all up. I sure wasn't going to go back there. 

I was so embarrassed, and all of a sudden, I didn't feel so well. I didn't know what to do, so I just plopped down in the cat food aisle. 
See my red eyes? Not feeling well. 😞 I had to rest for a bit while I had another of my panting episodes. Mama was pretty calm and understood I didn't feel like going anywhere. She opened a bag of treats she hadn't paid for yet! She asked a nice guy if I could have some water and he told us there was a bowl by the bathroom. I wasn't crazy about walking all the way to the back but the water helped a lot. 
On our way back, I saw a kitten!
Then all of a sudden, there was a CLONE KITTEN!
Look at their crazy matching hair parts!

They seemed like they would be fun to play with, but I just wanted to go home. Mama needed to buy our treats, but I knew where the FREE treats were. 
Works every time.

Maddy was excited to see me, and Mom even got us new toys. 
I just wanted to sleep the rest of today. I pooped and I'm pooped. 

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