Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Happy Birthday at the Rainbow Bridge, Murphy.

Wow. The last time we posted was right before moving back to Ft. Myers. There's so much to say, and I don't know where to start.

Murphy went to the Rainbow Bridge on March 4, 2016. Today would have been his 11th birthday. One day, I'll write about saying goodbye, but today is not that day. Here are some birthday pictures throughout the years.

For some reason, I'm not sure if any pictures of his 1st birthday exist, but there were doggy friends, a peanut butter cake, and lots of excitement. Followed by diarrhea.

Murphy's 2nd Birthday! Maddy is 18 months, minus a day younger, so we celebrate birthdays and half-birthdays every six months. Puppy Maddy is celebrating her first half-birthday!

8th Birthday! August 9, 2013
The Bassets are not big fans of the hats, but I love them.
Birthday cupcakes from Two Girls and a Beagle- they were great!

9th Birthday- August 9, 2014 So handsome.

10th Birthday! HOORAY! August 9, 2015
Murphy was very excited about the PupPie. After all he's been through, I always said I would be so happy if Murphy made it to 10, and he did it. 

Murphy, Mama loves and misses you so much. Happy Birthday up in heaven. Thank you for visiting in my dreams this morning, and for sending Farley to keep me company until we see each other again.