We were ok- Auntie Michelle and Auntie Brianne came over and watched us. Auntie Brianne picked Mama up from the airport, and when they got back, I wanted to run to the door to welcome her back, but my foot hurted. I decided to just lay down and that's when Mama knew something was wrong. She said I felt really warm. She and Auntie Bri watched me for an hour before Mama looked at my paws:
One paw was really red and wet from where I had been chewing on it (it hurted!) She even thought it was oozing a little. So it was off to the vet we went. When I got there, there was a dog that was very happy to see me.
Dr. Suarez looked at my paws, gave me a lidocaine spray and Mama gave me Benadryl. Then we went to Petsmart.
This is a very cute puppy with a cute guy attached.
Mama kept an eye on me the rest of the weekend, and my paw felt better. Even though she just got back,she went away again, to DisneyWorld, WITHOUT US! We got a little bored after midnight when she wasn't back yet.
When Mama got home, I tried to create a distraction by greeting her at the door, but Murphy turned around and went TOWARD the food! Nooooo, that was a dead giveaway! Mama was mad, but she cleaned it up and went to bed.
In the morning, she fed us like usual, and then we started watching TV. I was having a hard time getting comfortable. I would sit down for a few seconds, but nothing felt good and I kept moving around. It was hard to breathe, too. Mama was worried about something called bloat. The vet's office said to definitely come in.
And here's a kitty trying to get a lizard on the other side. Stupid kitty.
We had to wait almost an hour, and Mama was getting worried. The vet tech came in and weighed me. I was 63+ lbs! Mama said, "Wait a second, she wasn't that much a few days ago..." And the vet tech looked and confirmed that I was only 60 lbs five days before.
Finally we saw Dr. Suarez (Dr. Johnson was in surgery) and she took me to the back where they took a picture of my insides!
Dr. Suarez said I had food bloat, which is not the same as regular bloat- it just means that I ate A LOT of food. I didn't get any more food for the rest of the day and only 1/4 of what I get in the morning. It's ok... Even treats didn't sound good, and I -always- like treats. I also had to take some medicines to make my tummy feel better. (I felt better after I pooped.)
Mama had to go to Disney again so Auntie Michelle came over and checked on me. She took videos so Mama didn't worry. Auntie M said she was pretty sure I learned my lesson.
Guess what? I did not. I did it again three days later. Oops.